MUST - A National Education Campaign for Older Adults and Caregivers
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Older Adults and Medicine Use > Pain Relief Medicines and Older Adults

Older adults use more pain relievers and use them more often than any other age group. Untreated pain can make day-to-day activities difficult, zap your energy, and make you irritable and fatigued. However, because medicine side effects and interactions between multiple medicines are more common in older adults, be aware of certain risks associated with pain relievers and follow instructions for using them safely.

Getting relief from pain symptoms may be a challenge. Medicines are only one part of a pain-relief strategy. Talk to your healthcare professional about other things you can try to help manage or reduce pain such as lifestyle changes.

It’s important to keep in mind that pain symptoms shouldn’t be considered a normal part of aging and should be discussed with your healthcare professional. Be sure to describe the degree and type of pain you’re feeling and what makes it better or worse. If you are not getting relief from using a specific pain reliever, talk to your healthcare professional.

For additional information on pain relief medicines and older adults, visit:

“Are You in Pain? Older Adults Use Pain Relievers More than Any Other Age Group.”